Welcome to Västgöta Nation!
Check out our Novice Program if you´re interested in Novice Period!
You’ll get all the information you’ll need. All your questions about what a Novice Period is and what you can expect in a guide.

We will be at the SAF (The Association Fair) at AF Borgen tomorrow between 10:00-15:30.
Please come by and ask us all your questions, we´d love to talk to you all!

On Wednesday 4 September at 10:00 and Monday 9 September at 10:00 we will be releasing tickets for the 2024 Novisch period. A ticket costs 685kr/person. Come in time because there is a high demand!

Welcome home!

Sign up for workers team at Metro HT24

This fall, Västgöta nation will have working teams for our event Metro and we want YOU!

Within the next month, we will have an open application for everyone who is interested and who wants to get involved. No interview or prior knowledge is required, just a genuine interest in getting involved with other students on Wednesday when Lund's best nightclub is held is required.

The idea with the concept is not that you work every Wednesday but that you as a team work every 3rd Wednesday. This means that you can party 2 out of 3 Wednesdays with your friends or with your work team at Metro.

In addition to this being a group where you create good friendships, you as a working team will have star working status. What does this mean? Well, that means that you can skip the queue and you will have free admission to VG's club every Wednesday. This applies throughout the whole semester! Whoever, these benefits are taken away if you do not show up to your working days.

In addition to star worker status, you will also receive either a thank-you sitting or food tickets after each shift you have worked. As well as an amazing worker party!

There is no better deal in Lund right now, so take the chance to be part of Lund's best nation and have the opportunity to enjoy a boiling hot metro every Wednesday, sign up for a work team through this link.

* There is a limited number of spots in the workers' team, first come, first served.

Announcement of all proposals for elected positions HT24 and HT24-VT25

American Breakfast foremen

Ellen Bylin

Elsa Bucht


No counterproposals


Nea Karlsson 

Hedvig Leijon 

No counterproposals

Party foremen

Frida Sassner*

Bella Palmqvist* 

John-John Lyckdal*

Elin Pohl

André Mellqvist

Melissa Karlsson 

Jakob Hedelin 

Isabelle Marrone 

No counterproposals

Film foreman

Viktoria Bengtsson

No counterproposals

Photo foremen

Signe Andersson*

Evelina Sävhage*

Olivia Berggren*

No counterproposals

Friday Bar foremen

Elsa Wallman

Maja Hjelmberg

Tim Karlsson

No counterproposals

Friday Kitchen foremen

Gustav Lidbäck

Minna Horrocks

Ludvig Erikson Brangstrup

No counterproposals

Gillestuge foreman

Petter Forsskåhl*

No counterproposals

Sports foremen

Algot Norström*

Elin Jeanson*

No counterproposals

IT foreman

Molly Angelin

No counterproposals

Internal food-foreman

Jennie Persson

Ylva Westerström

No counterproposals

Evening Managers

Gabriella Lundgren*

Joakim Wetterlöf 

Arman Nakhaei

Linus Persson

No counterproposals

Choir foreman

Clara Bergström

No counterproposals

Layout foreman

Hugo Fröjd 

No counterproposals

Lunch foremen

Anna Abrahamsson

Cornelia Sundby

Elizabeth Menemencioglu

No counterproposals

Metro foremen

Siri Stripple*

Albin Regland*

Shad Hussein

Sara Sjögren

Vilhelm Wallmark

Hannes Hässelskog

Lisen Lindholm 

Agnes Wärmlander

Ludvig Mellberg


Ping Ni


Emil Björk

Viktoria Eriksson

No counterproposals

Senior (HT24 & VT25)

Hanna Sand Uhlen

Elin Wendt

Oskar Werner

Felix Samuelsson

No counterproposals

Senior ((HT24)

Tuva Kågedal

Linn Lyckdal 

No counterproposals

Sittning foremen bar

Oskar Tengström

Amanda Lindkvist

Emmie Jonsson

Tiril Lyng Bengtsson

Tilde Åberg

No counterproposals

Sittning foremen kitchen

Hanna Jakobsson

Maria Aspergren

Ellinor Adam

Agnes Tingström

Julia Jonsson

No counterproposals

Tapas bar foreman

Charlotte Nyblom

No counterproposals

Tapas kitchen foreman

Olivia Lubbe*

No counterproposals

Tiffanys foremen

Teodor Simrén

Matilda Yrlid

Linn Farken

No counterproposals

Laundry foremen

Jonna Nordström*

Hannes Skogar

Fatima Sundberg

No counterproposals

Nomination committee chairman

Emma Johansson

No counterproposals


Ella Engström*

Majken Hellebro

Ronja Linnhag


Eray Ozkan

Vierist (internal events)

Hanna Adrian

Johan Brunmark

Aline Forsström

Birger Robach

No counterproposals


Emma Andeby

No counterproposals

( * ) Indicates foreman who wishes to remain in their post

The election will be held at the nations meeting Tuesday May 14th.

If you have any questions, contact Qurator at

Best regards,

Felix Samuelsson, Qurator

Final agenda Nations meeting 3 

Tuesday May 14th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.


  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Election of foremen*

  11. Election of representatives to the Board of the Västgötagården Foundation

  12. Revision of the bylaws

  13. Revision of job descriptions

  14. Annual report 2023

  15. Adoption of the balance sheet and income statement

  16. Discharge from liability for quratel and seniors for the financial year 2023

  17. Quarterly report Q1 2024

  18. Budget HT24

  19. The Quratel informs

  20. The Seniors informs

  21. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  22. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  23. Other issues

  24. Meeting is closed

*Counter proposal is made to until May 9th. All proposals, including any counter proposals, will be announced on May 10th.


Announcement of proposals for elected positions HT24 and HT24-VT25

American Breakfast-foremen

Ellen Bylin

Ella Wigh 

Elsa Bucht


Nea Karlsson 

Hedvig Leijon 

Party foremen

Frida Sassner*

Bella Palmqvist* 

John-John Lyckdal*

Elin Pohl

André Mellqvist

Melissa Karlsson 

Jakob Hedelin 

Isabelle Marrone 

Film foreman

Viktoria Bengtsson

Photo foremen

Signe Andersson*

Evelina Sävhage*

Olivia Berggren*

Friday Bar foremen

Elsa Wallman

Maja Hjelmberg

Tim Karlsson

Friday Kitchen foreman

Gustav Lidbäck

Minna Horrocks

Ludvig Erikson Brangstrup

Gillestuge foreman

Petter Forsskåhl*

Sports foremen

Algot Norström*

Elin Jeanson*

IT foreman

Molly Angelin

Internal food-foreman

Jennie Persson

Ylva Westerström

Evening Managers

Gabriella Lundgren*

Joakim Wetterlöf 

Arman Nakhaei

Linus Persson

Choir foreman

Clara Bergström

Layout foreman

Hugo Fröjd 

Lunch foremen

Anna Abrahamsson

Cornelia Sundby

Elizabeth Menemencioglu

Metro foremen

Siri Stripple*

Albin Regland*

Shad Hussein

Sara Sjögren

Vilhelm Wallmark

Hannes Hässelskog

Lisen Lindholm 

Agnes Wärmlander

Ludvig Mellberg


Emil Björk

Viktoria Eriksson

Senior (HT24 & VT25)

Hanna Sand Uhlen

Elin Wendt

Oskar Werner

Felix Samuelsson

Senior ((HT24)

Tuva Kågedal

Linn Lyckdal 

Sittning foremen bar

Oskar Tengström

Amanda Lindkvist

Emmie Jonsson

Tiril Lyng Bengtsson

Tilde Åberg

Sittning foremen kitchen

Hanna Jakobsson

Maria Aspergren

Ellinor Adam

Agnes Tingström

Julia Jonsson

Tapas bar foreman

Charlotte Nyblom

Tapas kitchen foreman

Olivia Lubbe*

Tiffanys foremen

Teodor Simrén

Matilda Yrlid

Linn Farken

Laundry foremen

Jonna Nordström*

Hannes Skogar

Fatima Sundberg

Nomination committee chairman

Emma Johansson


Ella Engström*

Majken Hellebro

Ronja Linnhag

Vierist (internal events)

Hanna Adrian

Johan Brunmark

Aline Forsström

Birger Robach


Emma Andeby

( * ) Indicates foreman who wishes to remain in their post

It is possible to send in a countercandidacy up untill May 9th to All proposals will be announced on May 10th. The election will be held at the nations meeting Tuesday May 14th.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Best regards,

The nominations committee

Calling Nations meeting 3 

Tuesday May 14th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Election of foremen*

  11. Election of representatives to the Board of the Västgötagården Foundation

  12. Revision of the bylaws

  13. Revision of job descriptions

  14. Annual report 2023

  15. Adoption of the balance sheet and income statement

  16. Discharge from liability for quratel and seniors for the financial year 2023

  17. Quarterly report Q1 2024

  18. Budget HT24

  19. The Quratel informs

  20. The Seniors informs

  21. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  22. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  23. Other issues

  24. Meeting is closed

*The nominations for the foremen and Quratel positions proposed by the nominating committee will be announced May 4th. Counter proposal is made to before May 9th. All proposals, including any counter proposals, will be announced on May 10th.

Submission of matters can be made until Saturday, May 4th to The final agenda will be posted on Wednesday, May 8th.


Announcement of all proposals for elected positions for the term HT24-VT25 and HT24

Qurator (HT24/VT25)

Linus Wanner

No counterproposals

ProQurator Social (HT24/VT25)

Victoria Segerdahl

No counterproposals


Erik Hofling*

No counterproposals


Tuva Dahlgren*

No counterproposals

Layout foreman


No counterproposals

Novice foremen

Karin Inghammar

Agnes Karlsson Lundin

Klara Delking

No counterproposals

Sponsorship foreman (HT24-VT25)

Yonis Abdullahi Sundström*

No counterproposals

( * ) Means foreman who wishes to remain in his post.

Election of positions of trust will take place at nation meeting 2 on March 19 in Metro Bar.

To participate in the nation meeting, pre-registration in this form is requiered.


Final Agenda Nations meeting 2 

Tuesday March 19th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Election of foremen*

  11. Election of Quratels positions*

  12. The Quratel informs

  13. The Seniors informs

  14. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  15. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  16. Other issues

  17. Meeting is closed

*Counter proposal is made to before March 14th. All proposals, including any counter proposals, will be announced on March 15th.


Calling Nations meeting 2 

Tuesday March 19th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Election of foremen*

  11. Election of Quratels positions*

  12. The Quratel informs

  13. The Seniors informs

  14. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  15. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  16. Other issues

  17. Meeting is closed

*The nominations for the foremen and Quratel positions proposed by the nominating committee will be announced March 9th. Counter proposal is made to before March 14th. All proposals, including any counter proposals, will be announced on March 15th.

Submission of matters can be made until Saturday, March 9th to The final agenda will be posted on Wednesday, March 13th.


Final Agenda Nations meeting 1 

Tuesday February 6th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Business plan VT24

  11. Election of members of the nomination committee VT24

  12. Election of Honorary member

  13. By-election of substitutes for the foundation Västgötagården

  14. The Quratel informs

  15. The Seniors informs

  16. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  17. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  18. Other issues

  19. Meeting is closed


  Calling Nations meeting 1 

Tuesday February 6th 2024

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Business plan VT24

  11. Election of members of the nomination committee VT24

  12. Election of Honorary member

  13. By-election of representatives for the foundation Västgötagården

  14. The Quratel informs

  15. The Seniors informs

  16. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  17. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  18. Other issues

  19. Meeting is closed

Submissions can be made until Saturday, November January 27 to The final agenda will be published on Wednesday, January 31.


Call for filling elections of foremen positions VT24

Hereby, the following filling selection is announced for VT24:

Photo (2)

Freda’ kitchen (1)

Laundry (2)

Description of the positions in Swedish are found by clicking the links above. If you wish to receive a description in English, contact

Are you interested in applying or nominating a friend? Registration is done via this form. This form is in Swedish. If you want help in English, contact

The last day to apply is Wednesday 17/1 at 23:59

For questions, contact

Call for filling elections of foremen positions VT24

Hereby, the following filling selection is announced for VT24:

Alumni (1)

Internal food (1)

Senior (1)

Sitting bar (1)

Tapas kitchen (1)

Vieri (1)

Description of the positions in Swedish are found by clicking the links above. If you wish to receive a description in English, contact

Are you interested in applying or nominating a friend? Registration is done via this form. This form is in Swedish. If you want help in English, contact

The last day to apply is Sunday 7/1 at 23:59

For questions, contact

Sign up for workers team at Metro VT24

This spring, Västgöta nation will have working teams for our event Metro and we want YOU!

Within the next month, we will have an open application for everyone who is interested and who wants to get involved. No interview or prior knowledge is required, just a genuine interest in getting involved with other students on Wednesday when Lund's best nightclub is held is required.

The idea with the concept is not that you work every Wednesday but that you as a team work every 3rd Wednesday. This means that you can party 2 out of 3 Wednesdays with your friends or with your work team at Metro.

In addition to this being a group where you create good friendships, you as a working team will have star working status. What does this mean? Well, that means that you can skip the queue and you will have free admission to VG's club every Wednesday. This applies throughout the whole semester! Whoever, these benefits are taken away if you do not show up to your working days.

In addition to star worker status, you will also receive either a thank-you sitting or food tickets after each shift you have worked. As well as an amazing worker party!

There is no better deal in Lund right now, so take the chance to be part of Lund's best nation and have the opportunity to enjoy a boiling hot metro every Wednesday, sign up for a work team here.

* There is a limited number of spots in the workers' team, first come, first served.

Announcement of all proposals for elected positions for the term VT24 and VT24-HT24

American Breakfast-förman

Tiril Lyng Bengtsson

Gustav Lidbäck

Sara Rönnberg

No counterproposals

Party foremen

Frida Sassner Andersson

Elin Pohl

Bella Palmqvist

André Mellqvist

Matilda Yrlid

No counterproposals

Film foreman

Cornelia Biller

No counterproposals

Photo foreman

Eric Oscarsson

Filip Forsberg

Evelina Sävhage

No counterproposals

Freda’ Bar foremen

Amin Alian*

Tim Karlsson

Matilda Holm

No counterproposals

Freda’ Kök foremen

Kevin Bui*

Erik Hofling

Anna Abrahamsson

No counterproposals

Gillestuge foremen

Robert Hofstedt*

No counterproposals

Sports foremen

Algot Norström

Elin Jeanson

No counterproposals

Internal food foremen

Lovisa Almqvist*

Jennie Persson

No counterproposals

IT foremen

Wilma Ihrman

No counterproposals

Kvalborg coordinator

Linus Wanner

No counterproposals

Evenening managers

Sofie Rejnefelt*

Arman Naekhai*

Gabriella Lundgren

Hedvig Leijon

No counterproposals

Choir foreman

Karin Inghammar

No counterproposals

Lunchfö foremen

Hanna Adrian*

Cornelia Sundby

Petra Eriksson

No counterproposals

Metro foremen

Tilde Åberg*

Linus Persson*

Jonathan Landstedt*

Siri Stripple

Majken Hellebro

Albin Regland

Melissa Karlsson

Emmie Jonsson

Linn Frykholm


Edvin Lindell

Albin Sandin

Axel Söderpalm

Ping Ni

NATU foremen

Johan Brunmark*

Rim Sharba*

No counterproposals

Senior (VT24 & HT24) 

Sanna Carlsson

Filip Warpman

Vendela Lindholm

No counterproposals

Sittning Bar foremen

Emma Johansson*

Emma Andeby*

Axel Fossum

Viktoria Eriksson

Emma Tasnádi

No counterproposals

Sittning Kitchen foremen

Linn Farken Ericsson

Victoria Segerdahl

Agnes Tingström

Minna Horrocks

Tim Brewitz

No counterproposals

Spons foreman

Yonis Abdullahi Sundström

No counterproposals

Tandem generals

Jakob Westergården

Elin Wendt

No counterproposals

Tapas Bar foreman

Birger Robach

No counterproposals

Tapas Kitchen foreman


No counterproposals

Tiffanys foremen

Ylva Westerström*

Nicki Jose Farschi

Vincent Möllerstedt

No counterproposals

Laundry foremen

Aline Forsström

Wilma Lindstrand

William Eng

No counterproposals

Nomination committe chairman

Oskar Werner

No counterproposals

Vega foremen

Edvin Lindell

Ella Engström

Isabelle Marrone

No counterproposals

Internal events foremen

Fatima Sundberg

Rosa Delgadillo

Hedda Franck

Ida Brorsson

No counterproposals

( * ) Indicates a foreman who wishes to remain in his/her position.

Election of candidates will take place at the nation meeting on December 5th.

To participate in the nation meeting, pre-registration is required via the form on the website.

A warm welcome!

 Final agenda Nations meeting 3 

Tuesday December 5 2023

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Q3 2023

  11. Budget VT24

  12. Election of Foremen*

  13. Election of auditors

  14. The Quratel informs

  15. The Seniors informs

  16. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  17. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  18. Other issues

  19. Meeting is closed

*The election committee's proposals for elected positions are published on the website. All proposals will be announced on December 1. 


Announcement of proposals for elected positions VT24

American Breakfast

Tiril Lyng Bengtsson

Gustav Lidbäck

Sara Rönnberg

Party foremen

Frida Sassner Andersson

Elin Pohl

Bella Palmqvist

André Mellqvist

Matilda Yrlid

Film foreman

Cornelia Biller

Photo foreman

Eric Oscarsson

Filip Forsberg

Evelina Sävhage

Friday Bar foremen

Amin Alian*

Tim Karlsson

Matilda Holm

Friday Kitchen foreman

Kevin Bui*

Erik Hofling

Anna Abrahamsson

Gillestuge foreman

Robert Hofstedt*

Sports foremen

Algot Norström

Elin Jeanson

IT foreman

Wilma Ihrman

Kvalborg coordinator

Linus Wanner

Choir foreman

Karin Inghammar

Evening Managers

Sofie Rejnefelt*

Arman Naekhai*

Gabriella Lundgren

Hedvig Leijon

Lunch foremen

Hanna Adrian*

Cornelia Sundby

Petra Eriksson

Metro foremen

Tilde Åberg*

Linus Persson*

Jonathan Landstedt*

Siri Stripple

Majken Hellebro

Albin Regland

Melissa Karlsson

Emmie Jonsson

Linn Frykholm


Johan Brunmark*

Rim Sharba*

Senior (VT24 & HT24)

Sanna Carlsson

Filip Warpman

Vendela Lindholm

Sittning foremen bar

Emma Johansson*

Emma Andeby*

Axel Fossum

Viktoria Eriksson

Emma Tasnádi

Sittning foremen kitchen

Linn Farken Ericsson

Victoria Segerdahl

Agnes Tingström

Minna Horrocks

Tim Brewitz

Sponsorship foreman

Yonis Abdullahi Sundström

Tandem general

Elin Wendt

Jakob Westergården

Tapas bar foreman

Birger Robach

Tapas kitchen foreman


Tiffanys foremen

Ylva Westerström*

Nicki Jose Farschi

Vincent Möllerstedt

Laundry foremen

Aline Forsström

Wilma Lindstrand

William Eng

Nomination committee chairman

Oskar Werner

Vierist (internal events)

Fatima Sundberg

Rosa Delgadillo

Hedda Franck

Ida Brorsson


Edvin Lindell

Ella Engström

Isabelle Marrone

Internal events food foreman

Lovisa Almqvist*

Jennie Persson

( * ) Indicates foreman who wishes to remain in their post

It is possible to send in a countercandidacy up untill November 30th to All proposals will be announced on December 1st. The election will be held at the nations meeting Tuesday December 5th.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Best regards,

The nominations committee

Calling Nations meeting 3

Tuesday December 5 2023

At 18:00(..) in Metro bar

To participate in the meeting, pre-registration in this form is required. A valid membership in Studentlund is also required and only members of Västgöta Nation have the right to vote.

Proposed agenda:

  1. Meeting is opened

  2. Election of secretary

  3. Election of adjuster

  4. Election of vote counters

  5. The summoning of the meeting in accordance with the bylaws

  6. Approval of the agenda

  7. Previous meeting’s minutes

  8. Incomplete minutes

  9. Financial information

  10. Q3 2023

  11. Budget VT24

  12. Election of Foremen*

  13. The Quratel informs

  14. The Seniors informs

  15. KK/TRF/AFÖS/Studentlund

  16. The Foundation Västgötagården informs

  17. Other issues

  18. Meeting is closed

*The election committee's proposals for elected positions will be announced by November 25. All proposals will be announced on December 1. 

Submissions can be made until Saturday, November 25 to The final agenda will be published on Wednesday, October 29.


Call for applications for foremen spring term 24

The following positions as foremen are now open for applications:

American Breakfast (3st)

Party foremen (5st)

Photo foreman (3st)

Film foreman (1st)

Friday Bar foremen (3st)

Friday Kitchen foreman (3st)

Gillestuge foreman (1st)

Sports foremen (2st)

Internal events food foreman (2st)

IT foreman (1st)

Evening Managers (4st)

Kvalborg coordinator (1st)

Choir foreman (1st)

Lunch foremen (3st)

Metro foremen (9st)

NATU-foreman (2st)

Senior (VT24 & HT24) (3st)

Sittning foremen bar (5st)

Sittning foremen kitchen (5st)

Sponsorship foreman (1st)

Tandem general (2st)

Tapas bar foreman (1st)

Tapas kitchen foreman (1st)

Tiffanys foremen (3st)

Laundry foremen (3st)

Nomination committee chairman (1st)

Vierist (internal events) (4st)

Vegaforeman (3st)

The positions are open for nominations and applications until Friday November 17th. Applications and nominations are sent in using this form. Descriptions of the positions in Swedish are found by clicking the attached links in this post. If you wish to receive a description in English, contact the nominations committee.

Interviews will be held during weeks 46-47. The nominations from the nominations committee will be posted no later than Saturday November 25th. It is possible to send in a countercandidacy up until November 30th to The election will be held at the nations meeting Tuesday December 5th.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Best regards,

The nominations committee