The Novice period at Västgöta Nation are filled with sittings, sports activities, Novice parties and lots of other fun. As a Novice, you will be placed in a group with other new students and supporting mentors so that you can get to know a bunch of lovely people. You can choose which of the activities you want to join- it can be one, several or all of them!

During the upcoming Novice period we will try our knowledge in a pub quiz, enjoy grand sittnings and go to events with the Sports foremen and NATU foremen. Together we will end the period with the biggest event: The Novice Party!

Come by the nation for registration at Tornavägen 17-19, 26th of August to 20th of September 10-18pm to become a member and sign up for an unforgettable Novice period at VG Nation!